[Feb 2021] The Future of Robotics in a Post-Pandemic World
The Future of Robotics in a Post-Pandemic World
Dan Allford interviews Bob Litle for ARC Specialties podcast, ''The Roboticist Chronicles''
Dan Allford, founder and President of ARC Specialties, recently sat down with ATI founder and CEO Bob Little to discuss the future of automation and robotics. Both of these engineers have amassed years of experience in developing and integrating robotic technology to solve problems; their unique vantage points provide complimentary perspectives on what lies ahead for the robotics industry and its many and varied customers.
While ARC Specialties focuses on developing customized manufacturing systems for specific industries like welding and material removal, ATI’s portfolio is much more broad in nature, with applications in a variety of industrial and research spaces. This podcast tales a look from both Allford’s and Little’s points of view in a discussion of current trends, challenges, technological innovations that will shape the future of robotics.
Dec 17,2021